We all know the famous Pakistani scandal “Memogate”.Which involves renowned Pakistani politicians and ex US-Pakistan Ambassador. Where Pakistani authorities asked the BlackBerry management to show the personal data of their customer, But the management acting upon their privacy policy denied showing data.
As a result of such denial, the Pakistani government has asked PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) to ban its services in Pakistan.PTA issued a notice to blackberry management to wind up their services from Pakistan till 30 November 2015 later on the deadline was increased for a month until 31 Dec 2015.
On their official blog, the blackberry management told the public why they left their business in Pakistan. Protecting customer privacy is one of their obligation and core competency.
As we all know Apple and the FBI have a long-term relationship of conflicts and is running for a few years .finally the war has just started. The FBI has asked apple to unlock the mobile phone of one of the shooters of San Bernardino attackers. To get valuable information about the attacker. Apple has refused to unlock its iPhone because that will be a breach of its privacy policy.
A statement made by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in favour of apple even though he is not working there considers that apple inc has the right to protect the privacy of its customer.
On Monday night Steve Wozniak was the star guest on the famous TV show “Conan” where he shared his regarding the apple and FBI conflict taking the side of apple inc. Steve Wozniak always has their own point of view and he does not feel shy to express his opinion.
The legal battle between the federal agency and Apple Inc has just begun and has raised the heat in the media .late night talk shows are discussing this hot issue. Many tech giants are taking part in these public debates for instance Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
San Bernardino attack
On 2 December 2015, a terrorist attack in San Bernardino killed 14 people and 22 were seriously injured. the attackers were named Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Both of the attackers were killed in rescue operations conducted by local authorities.
Syed Rizwan Farook was born in Chicago while his parents were immigrants from Pakistan. The Tashseen Malik was born in Pakistan and spent most of his life in Saudi Arabia. Her family members are said to be political influential in the town.